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SaleStream CRM for Business Brokers

Welcome to your powerful, user-friendly deal management center. Buyers sign Web-based NDA and you have the choice to give them instant access without the trouble of going back-and-forth with emails!

SaleStream CRM Features

Web Based NDA

Potential business buyers sign NDA and get confidential information on our webapp. They do not need to go to their email, click links, open PDFs or data rooms every time they sign an NDA!

Data Rooms

Our data rooms are automatically created, allow drag-drop of files and granting access to your buyers is extremely easy!

Communication Hub

Our contacts widget allows you to send email or SMS, make calls, add notes, set up tasks, view owned or inquired businesses and more!


You can set your own view order, automate release of confidential information upon NDA signature or keep it manual, send CIM for seller review before activating the listings!

SaleStream services suite

Advanced tools to manage your contacts, listings, interests and data rooms. Initiate group chat about your listings with your potential buyers!
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Integrated project management tool

Create task templates and apply them to your listing projects and automatically create tasks and assign dates & users based on rules you set when creating a template!
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Project Management

SaleStream offers unique project management tool, designed specifically for business brokers

Task Templates

$ale$tream offers unique project management tool, designed specifically for business brokers
Each time a listing goes under contract, simply apply the template and all tasks will be created, added to calendar and assigned to you or your team members you chose in template!


All listings you are prospecting, live or under contracts can be created projects for and follow up tasks can be created to manage them meticulously.


Tasks page shows you tasks for all of your team, by due date, by assignees or owners of your tasks

SaleStream CRM Videos

Questions? Set up a demo call with our sales team.

$ale$tream CRM is a revolutionary platform for business brokers to make sure their listings are presented in the best light to potential buyers, business investors can get information about listings they are interested in with utmost ease no communication thread falls through the cracks.
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