Why SaleStream?
SaleStream CRM is a revolutionary platform for business brokers to make sure their listings are presented in the best light to potential buyers. Through simple and straightforward featurs, the process may be simple for all parties.
Challenges faced by business brokerage firms
Business brokerage firms often look for CRM solutions that balance customization, security, and usability without excessive costs, a challenging combination to find in many CRM products.
- Most CRM solutions lack communication platform
- Most CRM solutions presentation of listings is poor to say the least
- Most all CRM solutions require potential buyers to jump between their email inbox and CRM several times just to sign confidentiality agreement and get listing information
- Most CRM solutions do not provide a way for brokers to collect listing information from sellers that integrates with listings
- Most CRM solutions have hard to manage data rooms
- Most CRM solutions lack a useful marketing tool
- Almost all CRM solutions lack a project management tool that can help brokers manage their prospects and under contract deals in an organized fasion
What does SaleStream do?
SaleStream is developed keeping specific needs of business brokers in mind. It provides a robust communications hub, advanced listings and CIMs, tools to manage, assign and nurture leads, project and task management tools that are highly automated and a flexible marketing tool.
- SaleStream Contacts hub provides flexibility: Send email, sms, make call, add notes, see listings of interest and owned by selected contact
- Listings are attractive to look at for the buyers and very easy to create for the brokers
- Listings are web-based, hence the buyer does not need to go to their email inbox to get confidential information
- SaleStream is a fully enabled app, enabling brokerage firms and their clients to communicate, share data and manage listings on the app itself
- Advanced marketing tool helps you communicate with buyers of a certain category, listing which can also be filtered by their status of inquiry
- SaleStream project management tool is unique and state-of-the art. Create your templates one-time and use them for each listing. All tasks and projects come with auto-generated notifications
- Truth is, SaleStream features can't be fully explained in text. Let's connect and we'll show you!